Grading Categories and Make-up Policy: There are two categories in which students may accumulate points during the school year, daily points and fitness tests (mile runs). All missing points in Mr. Deck’s PE class can be made-up any time prior to the last day of the given quarter.
Daily Points: Two points are awarded daily if the student comes to the class prepared and participates in the given activity to the best of their ability. Students who are not in class for any reason, who are not prepared for class, or are removed from the activity for any reason will not receive their daily points.
Daily Point Make-ups: Article Reviews (1 review is worth 2 daily points)
1. Print/cut out an article that relates to PE in any way.
2. Write a two paragraph review of the article. The first paragraph should be a summary of the article and the second paragraph should explain how it relates to PE.
3. Make sure your name and period number are on your review.
4. Staple your review to the article and turn it in to Mr. Deck during class.
Fitness Tests(Mile Runs): Each quarter multiple fitness tests will be taken. Fitness tests are worth 10 points each. Fitness tests are scored on a credit/no credit basis. Students will either receive full credit or zero credit on each fitness test. A student will receive full credit on their fitness test in one of two ways:
1. By improving on their own personal best time.
2. By running under 11 minutes regardless of prior times.
Fitness Test Make-ups: Any fitness test in which full credit was not received may be made-up as many times as it takes for the student to earn full credit. It is the student’s responsibility to notify Mr. Deck at the start of class if he or she would like to do a make-up fitness test. The student can earn back full credit on their fitness test if they complete the fitness test within 1 minute of their previous personal best time.