Lexington Junior High School is a California Distinguished School and offers a wide variety of elective opportunities for students, including several that are only available at Lexington, such as Guitar, Beginning and Advanced Choir, Show Choir, three levels of Band, Drumline, Spanish, Home Economics I and II, Art I and II, Drama I and II, as well as Stagecraft, Computers, Digital Animation, Multimedia, Woodshop I and II, Study Skills, Yearbook, Newspaper, Photography, Speech, Robotics, STEM, and Associated Student Body (ASB). Lexington offers multiple levels of math for the students: Math 1, Honors Math 1, Math 2, and Honors Math 2. Lexington Junior High School has implemented a “Silent Study or Reading” program in the middle of the day to give students time to work on assignments or catch up on recent novels. Administration and Counseling pulls our intentional focus groups (at risk, EL, etc) students and provides tutoring and skills based help during this period of time. Lexington counselors meet regularly with parents and students to monitor student progress. English Language Development (ELD) classes are in the schedule for three periods and a College/career Readiness class that rotates each quarter as an intervention class for struggling students. To add an extra layer of support, free after-school tutoring is offered for all subject areas in the Library four days a week. We employ teacher and parent (Korean, Spanish and Arabic) learning walks one time a month.