Lexington JHS

Science 8 HP
Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Students will construct and test a balloon car.  The objective is to make the car go as far and as fast as possible.

Grade for Distance:

more than 25 feet = 30 points

25-20 feet= 25 points

19-15 feet= 20 points

14-10 feet= 15 points

9-5 feet= 10 points

1-4 feet = 5 points

0 feet = 2.5 points


Grade for Speed will be determined for the average speed from 0-10 feet.

3.4 & faster= 18 points

3.1-3.3 ft/s = 15 points

2.8-3 ft/s = 12 points

2.5-2.7 ft/s =10.5 points

2.1-2.4 ft/s = 9 points

1.7-2.0 ft/s = 7 points

1.6- 0 ft/s= 5 points



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